A Cup of Chai has it All

Whether it’s ek cutting chai, black tea, green tea, or adrak wali chai, our love for tea is fathomless. The strong aroma ushers a smile, and taste gives us a sense of joy and gratification. Do you know that it takes around 2,000 tiny leaves to make just one pound of tea.

It all started in2737BC when Chinese sovereign Shen Nung was leaving for war, some leaves fell into his bowl of boiling water and, he drank it and it was tea. Since then, tea has engulfed the whole world with its appealingly piquant and lively fragrance. Today, there are around 3,000 different types of tea. It is the second most consumed beverage in the world, after water.

The tea market in India is being driven by the healthy production and consumption of the beverage. In 2020, almost 1.10 million tons of tea was devoured in the nation. The market in the nation is projected to observe further development in the estimated time of 2021-2026, developing at a CAGR of 4.2%. In 2026, the tea business in India is relied upon to accomplish 1.40 million tons.

India is the largest producer of tea, after China. North India is the main area for the

business in India, representing more than three-fourths of the business. Assam is the significant tea state in the nation followed by West Bengal. As indicated Assam and Darjeeling tea is internationally the most perceived kinds of drink. South India represents almost a fifth of the business with the produced gathered in the Nilgiris.

There was interesting research conducted by YouGov.in to know the importance of Tea in the lives of Indians. It was found that 62% of Indians believe that India is predominantly a tea-drinking nation, whereas 25% opines that slowly and silently hot beverage culture has shifted to Coffee culture after the emergence of various Cafés in India. Moreover, it was found that the older generation strongly agrees that India is a tea-drinking nation as compared to the younger generation. It was concluded that men are frequent tea drinkers as compared to women. And do you know who bagged the favorite tea of the year? None other than Masala Chai (53%), followed by green tea (43%) and Assam tea (38%).

Tea has played a cardinal role in our lives and in Indian culture. Tea signifies harmony, peace, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, spiritual connection, rejuvenation, refreshment, change, and contentment. The newest study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology included in excess of 100,000 adults who routinely drank tea are less likely to suffer from atherosclerotic cardiovascular sickness or die prematurely from any cause especially stroke contrasted with other non-tea drinkers. Are you drinking tea daily?

Believe it or not, tea lovers share a deep relationship with Chai, as they call it. So awake, arise, and smell the tea. After all with one sip of hot tea, your stress drained out, that’s why we say a Cup of Chai has it All.




Written by Rahul Mohanto

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