
I have known Sanjay for the last 30 years or so. He has excelled in his profession, both as a journalist and as a media expert- both academical and practicing. His command over language and exprescion combines well with clarity of thinking. Above all, he carries a positive problem- solving approach. It had been a pleasure associating with him both socially and professionally.
Brijesh Kumar (IAS)
Ex Chairman Board of Revenue, Uttar Pradesh Government
My relationship with Dr. Sanjay M Johri ( whom I fondly call by his first name only ) began almost 34 years ago when both of us were beginning to learn the finer nuances of agency journalism in Lucknow. Though we were working for the rival news agencies –PTI & UNI, our relationship was never affected by the agencies’ so- called rivalries. What had started as a professional acquaintance, gradually developed into a deeper bond for life. Right from the beginning, Sanjay was very imaginative, ingenious & experimentative. He literally taught Science reporting to the scribes of Lucknow. His style was lucid and demonstrated a great talent to converting most complex technical copies into easy to read stories. It has been fascinating to see Sanjay growing into a mature professional with immense versatilities. He found his calling in the academics and has proved to be a true teacher who exhibits expert-level knowledge of the industry’s history and best practices, enabling them to effectively help shape the careers and livelihood of the next generation of journalists. It is most impressive to see the leadership role into which Sanjay has evolved. His penchant for maintain the journalistic ethics, strict adherence to objectivity and willingness to go extra mile to help budding journalists make him a great journalist & guru whom generations will revere. Perhaps the greatest quality which I admire in him is that he is a noble soul and great human being – a rare tribe these days.
Bishan Kumar
Group Editor, Blue Ink Media Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
First of all let me congratulate you from the depth of my heart for dedicating “thirty-five years“, to the communication industry which is known for its versatility. I would also like to congratulate you for your upcoming website which I believe will be a great source of knowledge to the students willing to get into communication industry. A teacher like you can become a parent to a kid who hardly has one of his or her own. A teacher like you can be a role model, a savior, and a friend. A teacher like you can compel a student to have a lifetime hunger for knowledge. A teacher like you can inspire values for compassion, philanthropy, hard work, bravery, integrity, and commitment. A teacher like you can do and be anything, and often they are. Wish you good health
Rohit Sharma
Founder & CEO,Simply Natural Group
“My association with Dr. Johri is both familial and professional. In a field of work where market insecurities often loom over us and instabilities define the usual course of action, Dr. Johri’s mentorship has been a tremendous support for me in understanding tricks of the trade as well as to inculcate the oft ignored ethics of media. With the fine balance of an academician and a media professional, Dr. Sanjay Johri is not only an erudite journalist but also a remarkable human being.I had the opportunity to know Sanjay Johari Sir both as an outstanding Journalist and as a role model teacher. As a senior Journalist of PTI at that time, he had a formidable reputation. He was not only very fast and factually accurate, his writings, even on complex scientific issues, were always engrossing. Fellow Journalists always used to wonder about his insatiable appetite for news and amazing energy level. Knowing that he has a steel rod implanted inside his leg because of an accident, made it even greater more surprising for me. But it was as his student during my Journalism Course that I fully discovered the marvel of Sanjay Johari Sir. He was the kind of teacher you get only if you are very lucky. He didn’t teach – he made us learn. He never corrected anyone – he made us look into our shortcomings and strive for self-improvement. He led us by example and brought out the best in everyone. Thanks to his easy going style and infectious smile, he was the most popular teacher, especially among girls ( Sir, hope you will forgive me for revealing this !) He, along with Ratan Mani Lal Sir were two people, without whom I would not have been here today. At a time when shortcuts and success by hook or crook has become so common, he is a shining example how professional excellence can be achieved without compromising on integrity and ethics. What makes Johari Sir a rare kind of teacher is the fact that once you have been hits student, he will always be there to help and guide you. Years after I passed out from his class, I would approach him with a problem, a difficult situation and he would always go out of way to help me. I really feel blessed that over the years I have continued to get his affection. Knowing Sanjay Johari Sir makes you believe that respect is not demanded – it’s commanded.
Associate Editor,Aajtak-TV Today Network
It has been over 25 years since I have known Dr. Sanjay Johri, as both friend and a professional associate. He was a reporter in PTI covering medical and health along with other beats while I joined SGPGI as a novice Public Relations Officer. Soft spoken Sanjayji used to be a constant support then and which he continued over the years. He is one of the most disciplined and punctual person I have ever known in the field of journalism. He was always there a few minutes earlier than the scheduled time of press conference and had that special eyes and ears to ‘sniff’ news and the ardent desire to delve deep into the subject and that extra brilliance to paint it perfectly in words. His ability to work efficiently under stressful conditions and nerve wracking deadlines speaks volumes about his hard work and determination. Being an academically oriented person Sanjayji, followed his heart and took a serious decision to move on from active journalism to teaching journalism as he joined JIM, Lucknow along with his close friend and associate Mr. Ratan Mani Lal. He exhibited the same enthusiasm, verve and excellence in teaching as in journalism with perfect balance. It was a rare honor to witness Sanjayji moving ahead to establish Journalism Institute in Lucknow under the Maharana Group of Institutions. He worked with excellent leadership skills and morale, and was a perfect blend of teacher and administrator with composed demeanor. As the Director of ASCO, his activities has grown manifold, but he remains to be the same humble, down to earth person I have ever befriended. He still loves teaching and the students adore him for his innovative ideas and spirit. As a Professor he is known for his excellent communication skills especially his writing skills. His colleagues look up to him not as a boss but as a matured friend and guide. Dr. Sanjay Johri’s possess brilliant charisma and an imposing personality. He is a compassionate human being with praiseworthy perseverance and ambition and proved to be an indispensable asset to the organization he belongs to. I am proud to have him as a friend.
Monalisa Chaudhari
Sr. PRO & Chief of PR Deptt, SGPGIMS, Lucknow
“A scientist turned reporter Sanjay Mohan Johri was the obvious choice sometime in the 1980s when the Press Trust of India (PTI) news agency was looking for a correspondent in Lucknow for its newly launched PTI Science Service. As its then editor, I remember how Sanjay enriched the PTI files with his incisive reports on science, technology and environment at a time when science reporting as a profession was still in infancy. It is commendable that now, as head of the Amity School of Communications in Lucknow, he is engaged in the training of future journalists — an activity that very few practising journalists had pursued. As a colleague for many years in PTI, I cherish my association with Sanjay not just as a journalist but also as a friend and a good human being. The journalism students at Amity are fortunate to have Sanjay as their guide. I wish him well”
Dr. K.S. Jayaraman
Founder Editor (Science), Press Trust of India
I have had both the honour and the privilege of being associated with Sanjay M Johri over the last 23-odd years, in various capacities: as a student, later as a colleague, and still later, in his endeavours as an academic. In my reading of him, there are a few things that make him hugely successful. Firstly, despite possessing an immense reservoir of knowledge, his thirst for more keeps him very current and informed. With so much information at one’s disposal, one is likely to throw one’s weight around. Not him; he is quite open to others and their points of view. His second quality worth emulating is the very way he conducts himself. Despite his stature and the respect he commands, the man has few airs about himself. He has that knack of making the young and old alike feel comfortable in his presence but he can be a hard task-master, should the situation so demand. What’s more, he can slip out of one skin and into the other in the twinkling of an eye! But his most admirable trait is that he remains cool, calm and collected and never shows even an iota of the pressure he carries on himself while exercising his duties. You are most likely to be fooled by his demeanour and his easy gait, but you will learn that he is very sharp and perceptive, and few things escape his notice. He has guided many through studies, jobs and the choppy waters of life. I pray that many more journalists learn the trade under his watchful care.
Amit Newton
Chief Sub-Editor,Qatar Tribune
“During my stay at Amity School of Communication , I had the good fortune of learning under Mr. Johri who took upon the role of not just a teacher but an extremely empathetic mentor. As a teacher he valued criticism, as an administrator he emphasised on working within the limitations but most of all as an individual he inculcated a culture of hard work and a will to fight the odds. Almost a grandfather-ly figure for some, Mr.Johri’s keen insight and plethora of experience is what is responsible for the development of the School of Communication at Amity University. The structure of the course varies, it’s the people running the course that you invest in. For as long as Mr. Johri is running the show, the students are in good hands”
Raghav Raj Kakkar
Film Actor
“ In my over 15 years of association with Mr. Sanjay Johri I have found him to be an excellent communicator and a committed professional with a generous heart that beats for the development sector. He has been immensely helpful with his expertise and given us his best students whenever we have needed some high quality work done. At a personal level, I have often turned to him for advice and encouragement. My best wishes follow him in this new venture which I know will bear his stamp of excellence. ”
Savitri Sharma
Director,Find Your Feet – India & Nepal
“My Association with Johri Sir goes more than 18 years back when I joined Masters course in Mass Communication. He has always been a great mentor to me and has taught myself to hone my skills, channelize my energies in the right direction and above all, greatly helped me believe in myself. Sir was helpful in getting the best out of me, during the duration of the course and also guided me towards my professional growth. I wish him best of luck in his endeavor.
Zia Askari
Founder, Editor :-TelecomDrive.com and ChannelDrive.in (Business community websites for telecoms and IT in India and abroad)
Dr. Sanjay Mohan Johri, an eminent journalist, renowned academician, distinguish author, humble father, lovable husband, obeying son and above all is an exemplary human being. Though old by experience, yet young at heart is an ardent follower of discipline and hard work. He has achieved various milestones in his glorious career of 35 years in almost all the verticals of media. During his entire span of professional life, he has demonstrated a perfect set of best media practices ever. He is truly gem of person, always ready to lend his hand to support his friends in need. With his great sense of wisdom, acumen and dexterity, he has produced a fleet of immaculate media professionals; those have achieved enormous success in their respective career with scintillating performance. May god bless him with lots of peace, health, courage and warmth to full fill his all cherished dreams in a time to come.”
Amritesh Srivastava
Manager (Corporate Communications) & Editor, NuPower (An International Journal of Nuclear Power), Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd., Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, Mumbai.
“I have known Sanjay for more than three decades and I have always found him to be consistent in his sincerity, diligence , thinking & working in the interest of the organization. He is a kind hearted person with a sense of humor.”
Prof V.P. Sahi
Ex Deputy Director General,Amity University Lucknow Campus
Being methodical often comes at the cost of creativity and enthusiasm. But Dr Sanjay Johri is an example of having combined all these to produce excellence in his professional life. Setting aside all constraints and setbacks, he continues to chart out a new path for his students and remains a guiding force for them. The list of his feats is long. He keeps coming up with surprises every now and then, and I am waiting for the next.
Ratan Mani Lal
“My professional friendship with Sanjay now Prof. Sanjay M Johri has come a long way. We both were young journalists in Lucknow and had the fire to fulfill our respective yet common desires to earn milestones in our journalistic career. Sanjay through his hardwork and professional excellence accomplished all what a successful journalist could achieve. He did not stop at that and also made a special place in the world of academics. He is also now a well-known academician in the filed of Journalism and Mass Communication. He is blessed with two children who have also done exceedingly well in life and have made him proud father. All the best Sanjay and have a wonderful life ahead.”
Alok Verma
CEO & Editor-in-Chief,Newzstreet Media Group
Sanjay M Johri is a friend, UNICEF should have everywhere. When I first met him in the early 90s, he was then correspondent for the Press Trust of India (PTI). He was on top of my media list and my phone list. Through PTI I could reach all the far flung news papers. Sanjay is a patent holding scientist turned journalist. He sought facts, not just a hand out. As a scientist he was always on the look out for the logic behind the story. He was not looking for a hand out but was keen to know how that story changes lives of people. When I returned to Lucknow in 2003 after six years assignment Sanjay had moved on and had become a mass com faculty member. As a teacher of journalism he is a genuine nurturer of students. He was keen that I present the children’s perspectives to future media professionals and give them assignments on child rights issues. When he moved in as the Director of the Amity School of Communication he helped us create a unique model of involving with Masscom students, which resulted in all Masscom students engaging with all the children in a block and creating films and exhibitions entirely created by Masscom students. Sanjay continues that tradition as an annual engagement of students with the rural communities. Sanjay is loved by students because he is a genuine mentor. He is also a great team player. I have had also the privilege interacting with his family, his very accomplished wife Sadhna, and his very successful children
Augustine Veliath
Worked at UNICEF Attends London University Institute of Education
I know Mr. Sanjay Johri since a very long time, say 35 years or may be more than that, and I feel proud to say that we are friends too – it is always very difficult to write something about a person who is your friend and task becomes even more difficult and daunting when one is required to comment about his professional and aesthetic talent and predicament becomes thick enough to be cut with a knife. I noticed he has got good observation, I feel he has the essence of visualization for creating his journalistic writings in his own way. His stories were always of high level of competence and personal involvement, created with ample research of the taken subject. Being a very competitive journalist, he is also an able teacher, guide and administrator. He conceives and envisages on a different scale as he views things beyond the obvious, and he has been able to effortlessly impart a whiff of freshness and a lingering fragrance of creativity to his writing interpretations.
Anil Risal Singh